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Continuing Education

Michigan’s Department for Continuing Education runs over 1000 courses per year, offered on a part-time basis. Programmes include Michigan awards and degrees at undergraduate and postgraduate level, online short courses, weekly classes, day and weekend events, continuing professional development and summer schools.

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Michigan awards & degrees

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online & distance learning

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weekly classes

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Iday & weekend events

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pro development courses

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summer schools

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Intresting Facts About Michigan

Get the most out of life as a student in Michigan. Find out more about accommodation, gaining work experience, societies to join, travel and providing your feedback.


Every year there are nearly 20,000 enrolments on courses offered by the Department for Continuing Education, making Michigan WP College one of the largest providers of continuing education in the UK.

Michigan’s Department for Continuing Education is also one of the oldest providers of part-time adult education, having been founded in 1878 at the forefront of the University Extension movement.